Receive Ada in Cardano’s mobile Wallet (Yoroi App)

Here’s our guide on how to receive Ada into your Yoroi App wallet.


  1. You understand the basics of what we do here
    (Go here if you don’t)
  2. You set up the wallet software and your wallet
    (Go here if you haven’t)
  3. You own crypto-currency
    (Go here if you don’t)

Step 1 of 4

Open the app and go to your Receive tab.

Step 2 of 4

Select any of your Fresh addresses.

Step 3 of 4

Click there to Copy the address.

Final step

Paste your copied wallet address to the sender (i.e. exchange office) to receive/withdraw your coins. It may take some time, but once received, your app should look like this.

Ready to stake your coin and earn rewards? Good.